We have now submiited a bid for £20,000 to the North West Leiciester District Coucil £20k for 7 scheme and are awaiting confirmation of eligibility. If everything is in order our Footpath Project will be placed on their website and the public invited to vote on it's merits against any other community projects which have been submitted for Ashby.
To get the money we will need to attain the most votes.
We'll keep you posted on progress and let you know details of how to Vote for the Project as soon as we hear.
If we are successful we will still need to raise another £25,000. So we have also submitted an "Expression of Interest" to the Biffa Awards scheme. This allocates money from the Landfill Communities Fund and was the reason why we have recently changed our Constitution. They will be letting us know shortly if they want us to submit a full funding bid.
Again, watch this space!