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The Friends of Ashby Bath Grounds have recently been involved in two exciting

projects for improving the Bath Grounds

This £65,000 Project, which was completed earlier this year, was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and North West Leicestershire District Council. It included a new path around the northern and eastern boundaries of the Grounds, joining the South Street entrance with the Prior Park Road entrance, a heritage trail, including new interpretation boards and waymarkers, and a wide range of free community activities such as archaeology, community mosaics and public performances. 

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We are working in conjunction with the Town Council to make the footpath between Prior Park Road and the "cattle arch" that leads to Mendip Close a much more pleasant and safe route to walk along. You may have noticed that the Friends have been cleared away the undergrowth and self seeded trees beside the path.This is the first phase of our Project. Once this is completed we intend to plant additional trees, improve the hedgerow on the other side of the path, install bird/bat boxes and improve the wildflower planting for birds and insects.


We have cut down lots of self seeded saplings that were hindering the growth of some of the beautiful trees we have along this path. Sadly a number of trees have died and we have removed a lot of rotting wood. We have taken care to do this work before the bird nesting season.

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