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Join the Friends of Ashby Bath Grounds - Membership is £5 per calendar year

To join or renew, please complete the form below and send your £5 subs to our Treasurer, SJ Statham, 

2 Cotswold Way, Ashby de la Zouch, LE65 1ET 

Cheques payable to “Friends of Ashby Bath Grounds”

For bank transfers/standing orders - sort code 77-15-13 acc no. 30039268 (please ensure you provide your name so we know who sent the money).

I wish to apply for membership of the Friends of Ashby Bath Grounds. I am interested in helping the Group to achieve its aim of working to protect and improve the Bath Grounds as a free, public access park and recreational facility for the benefit of the whole community. In particular I:


  • Support enhancement of the Bath Grounds for the benefit of public enjoyment and sporting use.

  • Support the prevention of building on any part of the Bath Grounds.

  • Support community ownership of the Bath Grounds.

  • Support use of the Bath Grounds by community sports organisations provided this does not unduly interfere with enjoyment by other members of the public.


I am over sixteen, willing to abide by the rules of the Group and willing to pay £5 subscription for the 2024 calendar year (January to December).


I consent to the Friends of Ashby Bath Grounds using my contact details to keep me informed of issues concerning the Bath Grounds including campaigns and activities.

Payment type *
Email Address*
​Post Code *
Phone number
​Message (optional)

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