On the 28th May 2015 we submitted our bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund. The Project Title is "Ashby Bath Grounds - Improved Accessibility and Community Heritage Project." The Project is designed to raise the match funding required to complement the NWLDC £20,000 awarded last year towards the Bath Grounds Footpath between the South Street and Prior Park Rd entrances, but also includes many Community Heritage Educational activities to be undertaken in around the Bath Grounds over an 18 month period from September 2015. Ashby Town Council are partners on the bid and we have signed a parnership agreement with them. We are also working closely with Ken Hillier and Ashby Museum, the Cricket and Bowling Clubs, Pudding Bag Productions (Wendy Freer) and many other volunteers.
The Activities included in the bid are as follows:
Project admin, monitoring, evaluation and reporting
Project website and social media
Improved accessibility path around the Bath Grounds
Bath Grounds heritage trail
Community archaeology
History of the spa and Bath Grounds film
Ballad of the Bath Grounds - to be filmed and recorded during the Ashby Arts Festival 2016
Community mosaics
New edition of "Ashby - The Spa Town" book
Ashby Spa and Bath Grounds education boxes
Ashby Spa and Bath Grounds lecture programme
Spa and Bath Grounds stall and exhibitions for local events
Bath Grounds trail walking tours
Heritage trail guide
Project launch and completion events
The total Project value including the £20,000 already awarded by the Distrcit Council is £64,702. Further details can be found on our Projects page.
We are expectiong a decision from the Heritage Lottery Fund in early August 2015.