The plans to build the "leisure pavilion" (commercial development) on the rear of the Royal Hotel car park and the kiosk at he front of the carpark were approved by of the NWLDC planning committee on November 4th 2014. We opposed this Application because of the design and proposed use of the Pavilion and Kiosk though we have no objections to the much needed improvements to the hotel itself. These are long overdue and will enhance Ashby and the Conservation area.
Ashby Town Council Planning Committee objected to this applications on grounds of loss of open space and poor design. However when it came to the District Council Planning Committee, those members of Ashby Town Council who also sit on that Committee all voted in favour of the Royal Hotel Application.
Thankyou to our many supporters who lobbied the District Council Planning Committee and came along to the meeting. We must now work to ensure that the building work is completed as sympathetically as possible for the Bath Grounds with the best materials available. In particular we must ensure that the improvements to the Royal Hotel are actually implemented.